Verifying and Translating Entries


Your application may require consistency guarantees. Instead of committing fraud when a transaction in your bookkeeping system doesn’t add up to zero, you might want to add a verification step to make sure that that doesn’t happen in the first place. More prosaically, the statement “The door is locked” is either True or False. (However, you always should be prepared for an answer of “No idea”, aka None. That’s not avoidable.)


Type entries may contain a schema attribute with a JSON Schema that verifies the data. They also may contain a code attribute which forms the body of a validation procedure. The variable value contains the value in question.

Type entries are hierarchic: An (“int”,”percent”) type is first validated against (None,”type”,”int”), then against (None,”type”,”int”,”percent”).

Type checkers cannot modify data.

A value of None may represent a deleted entry and thus is never typechecked.

Type check entries must be accompanied by “good” and “bad” values, which must be non-empty arrays of values which pass or fail this type check. For subordinate types, both kinds must pass the supertype check: if you add a type “float percentage”, the bad list may contain values like -1.2 or 123.45, but not "hello".

Beware that restricting an existing type is dangerous. The DistKV server does not verify that all existing entries verify correctly. In pedantic mode, your network may no longer load its data or converge.


The (None,”match”) hierarchy mirrors the actual object tree, except that wildcards are allowed:

  • “#”

    matches any number of levels

  • “+”

    matches exactly one level

This matches MQTT’s behavior.

Unlike MQTT, there may be more than one “#” wildcard.

Be aware that adding or modifying matches to existing entries is dangerous. The DistKV server does not verify that all existing entries verify correctly. In pedantic mode, your network may no longer load its data or converge.

Putting it all together

Given the following structure, values stored at (“foo”, anything, “bar”) must be integers. The DistKV content of testcase tests/ looks like this, when dumped with the command get -ryd_:

_: 123
            - int
            - percent
        bad: [none, "foo"]
        code: 'if not isinstance(value,int): raise ValueError(''not an int'')'
        good: [0,2]
          bad: [-1,555]
          code: 'if not 0<=value<=100: raise ValueError(''not a percentage'')

          good: [0,100,50]
      _: 55


Sometimes, clients need special treatment. For instance, an IoT-MQTT message that reports turning on a light might send “ON” to topic /home/state/bath/light, while what you’d really like to do is to change the Boolean state attribute of home.bath.lights. Or maybe the value is a percentage and you’d like to ensure that the stored value is 0.5 instead of “50%”, and that no rogue client can set it to -20 or “gotcha”.

To ensure this, DistKV employs a two-level type mechanism.

  • “type” entries describe the type of entry (“this is an integer between 0 and 42”).
  • “match” entries describe the path position to which that type applies

In addition, a similar mechanism may be used to convert clients’ values to DistKV entries and back.

  • “codec” entries describe distinct converters (“50%” => 0.5; “ON” => ‘set the entry’s “state” property to True’)
  • “map” entries are activated per client (via command, or controlled by its login) and describe the path position to which a codec applies

All of these are stored below the global (None) top-level path.


Codec entries contain decode and encode attributes which form the bodies of procedures that rewrite external data to DistKV values and vice versa, respectively, using the value parameter as input. The decode procedure gets an additional prev variable which contains the old value. That value must not be modified; create a copy or (preferably) use distkv.util.combine_dict() to assemble the result.

Codecs may be named hierarchically for convenience; if you want to call the “parent” codec, put the common code in a module and import that.

Codecs also require “in” and “out” attributes, each of which must contain a list of 2-tuples with that conversion’s source value and its result. “in” corresponds to decoding, “out” to encoding – much like Python’s binary codecs.


Returns a dict with all keys+values of all dict arguments. The first found value wins.

This recurses if values are dicts.


While the (None,"map") contains a single mapping, (None,"conv") contains an additional single level of names. A mapping must be applied to a user before it is used. This change is instantaneous, i.e. an existing user does not need to reconnect.

Below that, converter naming works like that for mappings. Of course, the pointing attribute is named codec instead of type.

Putting it all together

Given the following data structure, the user “conv” will only be able to write stringified integers under keys below the “inty” key, which will be stored as integers:

      current: _test
              conv: foo
            _aux: {}
        decode: assert isinstance(value,str); return int(value)
        encode: return str(value)
        - [ '1', 1 ]
        - [ '2', 2 ]
        - [ '3', 3 ]
        - [ 1, '1' ]
        - [ 2, '2' ]
        - [ -3, '-3' ]
            - int
  _: hello
    _: 10
      _: 13
        _: 99

The above is the content at the enf of the testcase tests/