DistKV’s client protocol

DistKV’s native client protocol is based on MsgPack. The client sends requests; the server sends one or more responses. You may (and indeed should) run concurrent requests on the same connection.

Strings must be UTF-8, as per MsgPack specification.

Requests and replies are mappings.

The server initially sends a greeting, using sequence number zero. It will not send any other unsolicited message.


Client requests are always mappings. seq and action must be present. All other fields are request specific. The server will ignore fields it doesn’t understand.


Every client request must contain a strictly increasing positive sequence number. All replies associated with a request carry the same sequence number.


The action which the server is requested to perform. Valid actions are described below.


This field tells the DistKV server how many change entries to return. The default is zero. If you want to update a value, retrieve the original with nchain set to one. Synchronization between DistKV servers requires the number of possible partitions plus one, in order to protect against spurious conflict reports.


Server replies are always mappings. At least one of seq and error must be present. The client must ignore fields it doesn’t expect.


The sequence number of the request which caused this reply.

Server messages which don’t include a sequence number are errors and will close the connection.

The server will either send exactly one reply with any given sequence number, or a multi-reply sequence which starets with a state=start message.


This field contains a human-readable error message. A request has failed if this field is present.


The value of the DistKV entry, assuming one was requested.


May be start or end

  • start indicates the beginning of a multi-value result.
  • end indicates that a multi-value result has finished. No more messages with this sequence number will be sent.

The start message will contain neither an error nor a value.


The change chain resulting from, or retrieved by, a command.

Change chains track which server last modified a value, so that replayed updates can be ignored and conflicting updates can be recognized. A chain never contains any one DistKV server more than once.

See the server protocol for a detailed description.


The current server’s change counter. This field can be used to ensure that the local server is not restarted with old state.


An always-increasing integer that’s (supposed to be) shared within the whole DistKV system. You can use it when you need to reconnect to a server, to make sure that the system is (mostly) up-to-date.



This is a pseudo-action with sequence number zero, which the server assumes to have received after connecting. The server’s first message will contain seq=0, its node name, a version (as a list of integers), and possibly its current tick and tock sequence numbers.

The auth parameter, if present, carries a list of configured authorization methods. The first method in the list should be used to authorize the client. If the list’s first entry is None then authorization is not required. Other entries may be used for testing after a client is logged in.


Tell the server about your identity. This method must be sent first if the server requests authorization.

The identity parameter tells the server which user ID (or equivalent) to use for logging in. typ contains the auth type to use; this must be identical to the first entry in the connect reply’s auth parameter.

If this is not the first message, the authorization is verified but the resulting user identity is ignored.


Send this action to abort a running multi-value request. Set task to the sequence number of the request to abort.

This action only works after you received a start state message. It returns a bool which is True if the command was still running.

A positive reply does not indicate that no more messages with the stated sequence number will arrive; this will be indicated by the state=end message.


Retrieve a single value. The path to the value needs to be sent as a list.

If the value does not exist or has been deleted, you’ll get None back.

Alternately, you can set node and tick, which returns the entry that has been set by this event (if the event is still available). The entry will contain the current value even if the event has set a previous value.


Set a single value. The path to that value needs to be sent as a list.

If you are updating a known value, you should send a chain entry to help ensure that no other node has changed it unexpectedly. (Of course, due to the distributed nature of DistKV, this may happen anyway.) You can also use prev to send an expected old value, but you really shouldn’t.

This action returns the node’s new change chain. If you did not send a chain field, the previous value is returned in prev.


Remove a single value. This is the same as setting it to None.


Retrieve the current system state. The following bool attributes can be set to specify what is returned. The reply is stored in an attribute of the same name.

  • nodes

A dict of node ⇒ tick.

  • known

A dict of node ⇒ ranges of ticks known. This contains current data as well as events that have been superseded.

  • current

A dict of node ⇒ ranges of ticks corresponding to the current state of nodes. This is expensive to calculate. It is a superset of ‘known`.

  • missing

A dict of node ⇒ ranges of ticks not available locally. This is the inverse of known.

  • remote_missing

A dict of node ⇒ ranges of ticks reported to be missing at some other node.


Retrieves all values with the prefix given in path.

This is a multi-value reply; each reply contains path and value entries. Deleted nodes may or may not be reported.

If the path does not exist or does not have children, a single-value reply is returned.

Optimization: if a reply contains a “depth” key, its path is shortened by the request’s path, plus that many elements from the previous reply’s path.

Thus, if you request a path of ['a','b','c'], this reply:

{ seq=13, path=['a','b','c'], value="one" }
{ seq=13, path=['a','b','c','d','e'], value="two" }
{ seq=13, path=['a','b','c','d','f'], value="three" }

is equivalent to:

{ seq=13, depth=0, value="one" }
{ seq=13, depth=0, path=['d','e'], value="two" }
{ seq=13, depth=1, path=['f'], value="three" }


Switch the client’s root to the given path. This request returns the new root node.

It is not possible to undo this request (other than to reconnect). Tasks started before this action are not affected.

This action returns the new root node’s value.


Monitor changes to this node (and those below it). Replies look like those from get_tree.

The recommended way to run the watch call with fetch=True. This fetches the current state and guarantees that no updates are lost. To mark the end of the static data, the server sends a state=uptodate message. This process will not send stale data after an update, so your code may safely replace an old entry’s state with new data.

This task obeys min_depth and max_depth restrictions.


Instruct the server to save its state to the given path (a string with a filename).


Instruct the server to continuously write change entries to the given path (a string with a filename). If fetch is True, the server will also write its current state to that file.

This command returns after the new file has been opened and the initial state has been written, if so requested. If there was an old log stream, there may be some duplicate entries. No updates are skipped.


Pass-through call to transmit a message via serf. Parameters are type (the user event to send to), data (the data to send) and optionally tag (a string that limits recipients to Serf nodes with this tag).

Raw binary data may be transmitted by using raw instead of data.


Pass-through call to receive brodcast messages via serf. You’ll get a stream with data containing the decoded message. If decoding fails, raw contains the message’s bytes and error holds a string representation of the decoder problem.

Set raw to True if the incoming messages are not supposed to be msgpack-encoded in the first place. In this case, data and error will always be missing.


You can turn on message debugging with ‘distkv -vvv’.

Get and set a value

If the value is not set:

Send {'path': ('test',), 'nchain': 3, 'action': 'get_tree', 'seq': 1}
Recv {'value': None, 'seq': 1}

Setting an initial value:

Send {'value': 1234, 'path': ('test',), 'nchain': 2, 'chain': None, 'action': 'set_value', 'seq': 2}
Recv {'changed': True, 'chain': {'node': 'test1', 'tick': 2, 'prev': None}, 'seq': 2}

Trying the same thing again will result in an error:

Send {'value': 1234, 'path': ('test',), 'nchain': 2, 'chain': None, 'action': 'set_value', 'seq': 3}
Recv {'error': 'This entry already exists', 'seq': 3}

To fix that, use the chain value you got when setting or retrieving the previous value:

Send {'value': 123, 'path': ('test',), 'nchain': 2, 'chain': {'node': 'test1', 'tick': 2}, 'action': 'set_value', 'seq': 4}
Recv {'changed': True, 'chain': {'node': 'test1', 'tick': 3, 'prev': None}, 'seq': 4}

Sending no precondition would also work

After you set multiple values:

Send {'value': 123, 'path': ('test', 'foo'), 'nchain': 0, 'action': 'set_value', 'seq': 5}
Recv {'changed': True, 'prev': None, 'seq': 5}
Send {'value': 12, 'path': ('test', 'foo', 'bap'), 'nchain': 0, 'action': 'set_value', 'seq': 6}
Recv {'changed': True, 'prev': None, 'seq': 6}
Send {'value': 1, 'path': ('test', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz'), 'nchain': 0, 'action': 'set_value', 'seq': 7}
Recv {'changed': True, 'prev': None, 'seq': 7}
Send {'value': 1234, 'path': ('test',), 'nchain': 0, 'action': 'set_value', 'seq': 8}
Recv {'changed': True, 'prev': 123, 'seq': 8}

you can retrieve the whole subtree:

Send {'path': ('test',), 'nchain': 0, 'action': 'get_tree', 'seq': 1}
Recv {'seq': 1, 'state': 'start'}
Recv {'value': 1234, 'depth': 0, 'seq': 1}
Recv {'value': 123, 'path': ('foo',), 'depth': 0, 'seq': 1}
Recv {'value': 12, 'path': ('bap',), 'depth': 1, 'seq': 1}
Recv {'value': 1, 'path': ('bar', 'baz'), 'depth': 1, 'seq': 1}
Recv {'seq': 1, 'state': 'end'}

Retrieving this tree with distkv client get -ryd ':val' test would print:

  :val: 1
    :val: 1
    bap: {':val': 12}
      :val: 1
      baz: {':val': 1}